My first encounter with technology was when I was younger and I began using the desktop computer in my house to play games online. Overtime, technology became an integral part of my life. I needed to use technology for research, school and basic questions, every single day. My father bought me a Macbook Pro for my fifteenth birthday and that exact laptop and my iPhone are my main sources of technology. I use both devices from when I wake up until the time I go to bed, sometimes I use them simultaneously. Overall, I feel that my experiences with technology have been very positive and without the knowledge of technology that I have accrued I do not believe I would have the abilities I do now. Technological experiences have very much helped shape who I am and how I use my knowledge.
In EME 2040, I hope to learn more about various types of programs that can be helpful in the workplace and in my daily life. Throughout EME 2040, I want to be able to gain proficiency in Microsoft Excel specifically. Microsoft Excel is a tool that I have not used at all in school or at home and I feel that it will be an integral part of my future career. I want to have a job in the front office of a professional baseball team and a lot of their work has to do with statistics, charts, data, and graphs. Being able to gain a working knowledge of Excel would help me excel in my career path and only lead me to a better future. Gaining proficiency in as many aspects of technology in this class will help me very much and the tools I learn can only help me more in the future.
The Learning Style Questionnaire showed me what allows me to learn best. I had previously felt that I learned best when actually doing the problem out and the questionnaire further enforced that idea. I'm am surprised that I lean more towards verbal learning because I previously believed I that I learned better when actually seeing something, but I will look into how much verbally learning helps me in the future. Learning in steps has always been what I am best at. I have always felt that I needed structure in what I am doing and that order was very important. The questionnaire reinforced my belief that I am a very structured learner and that I will always learn best that way.
Hi Josh! Yes, the field of sports requires skills and knowledge about human psychology, statistics, and various technologies. Excel is one of the most required skills for workers in that field. Your career might not be directly related to this course, but I firmly believe that you will learn a lot from this course for your future career.